How To Build The Best Skincare Routine

Recently, the skincare industry has boomed, with its popularity increasing significantly as products have become more accessible, targeted to solve specific problems, and scientific research has improved. However, even with all of its promotion and claims, many people still don’t know how to build their skincare routine or personalise it to suit them. With dermatologists being a very expensive option, most people resort to the web, and here we are! This is how you can build the best skincare routine.

1. Determine Your Skin Type

If you have been looking for some skincare products to buy, one of the most common terms you’ve heard is probably ‘skin type’, and there can be lots of confusion around this. There are 4 main categories that most people’s skin falls into: oily, dry, normal and sensitive. Remember, your skin can also be a mixture of them, as well, which is where confusion arises.

The best way to determine your skin type is by taking your morning/evening shower, then washing your face, and leaving it completely for around an hour after drying off, avoiding using any products at all. Once this hour is up, you should be able to see whether your skin is oily, normal or dry, and you may find that it’s actually a combination of oily and dry, with different areas having different textures.

You’ll know if your skin is sensitive anyway, as it will usually turn red after washing it, or applying some products. Once you know your skin type, you have a strong foundation to build your skincare routine from, and you’re more likely to find success from the products you’re buying.

2. Decide What Skincare Concerns Affect You

You know your skin type, so you already have some information on what concerns you, such as dryness or oiliness, but they’re not the only problems we can have with our skin. Skincare concerns are anything we struggle with or experience on our skin, such as acne, blackheads or dullness. These concerns are all treated differently, so it’s good to know what affects you so you can proceed to find treatments for it.

Self-diagnosis isn’t always the best route to go, but seeing a dermatologist is often too expensive. Fear not, as there is something you can do! ALPSkincare offer 1-2-1 in person and virtual skin consultations where you can always ask for advice and check that the skincare concern is actually what you think it is. Book here:

Or visit our online shop to buy products here:

3. Know The Correct Order Of Products

There is, in fact, a specific order in which you should be applying your skincare products to your face, and it ensures that each product has the best chance of producing successful results for your skin. The basic order is very easy to substitute your own products into and can also be adapted to suit you. Here it is: 3. Know The Correct Order Of Products There is, in fact, a specific order in which you should be applying your skincare products to your face, and it ensures that each product has the best chance of producing successful results for your skin. The basic order is very easy to substitute your own products into and can also be adapted to suit you. Here it is:

  • Cleanser
  • Toner or similar liquid products and exfoliators
  • Serums, essences and similar highly concentrated products
  • Moisturiser
  • Eye cream
  • Sunscreen
  • Makeup and other cosmetic products

4. Never Ever Forget Sunscreen (SPF)

If you are interested in protecting your skin and preserving it in the long term, which is extremely important, sunscreen is arguable the most important step of your skincare routine every day. Yes everyday! No matter what the weather is like, no matter if you are staying at home all day sunscreen should be applied daily. Many people don’t quite understand the potential damage that the Sun can cause for their skin and protecting it with an effective sunscreen is the only way to prevent this damage. But sunscreen also protects from pollution, free radicals and the drying effects of central heating or air conditioning. If we were to recommend you buy one product it would be a good quality facial SPF.

5. Always Cleanse Before Bed

As well as cleansing properly, as mentioned earlier, you also need to make sure you cleanse regularly. Unless instructed by a specialist for a certain reason, you should generally cleanse your face every morning and every evening.
Sometimes, it can be easy to just skip out your routine in the evening, especially if it’s late or you’re tired, but you should definitely avoid doing this. During the day, your face picks up lots of germs from the air, people around you, and the environments you’re exposed to. Even if you don’t wear makeup, there is a lot of ‘dirt’ on your face which should be cleansed in the evening before your skin goes into the repairing phase overnight.