Dermaplaning | Myth Busting!

What is Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning uses a specialist clinical knife held at a specific angle by a highly trained aesthetic practitioner to deeply exfoliate the skin, removing the top layer of dead skin cells and peach ‘fuzz’.

Simple but effective, as the benefits of this process are AMAZING! Your skin will be flawless, and your makeup will look silky smooth and just perfect. Great results too on scars and fine lines!

Its not a new thing! For years, it has been a ‘Hollywood Secret’ used by such icons as Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor and so their skin looked flawless in close up shots.

But what are the Myths surrounding Dermaplaning?

Here we take a look at 7 of the false misconceptions you may have heard about Dermaplaning:

Myth #1 Dermaplaning is just shaving

Dermaplaning uses a sharp, single blade scalpel, not a traditional razor. And, it’s done by a trained technician with a very delicate touch. The removal of the hairs isn’t really the primary objective, as the primary objective is to deeply exfoliate the skin and remove dead skin cells that cause dullness.

Myth #2 My hair will grow back thicker

No, as the structure of this ‘vellus’ (baby) hair is so fine, thin and soft there will be little difference. It’s a general misconception for this type of hair removal, but it’s impossible for hair to grow back thicker.

Myth 3 #It must be Painful?

Not painful at all. In fact it is rather relaxing and enjoyable! The presence of a blade might give you the impression you are being cut, but this is not correct. There is no cutting, no bleeding and definitely no pain!

Myth #4 It causes Breakouts

Nope! As it’s an exfoliation, it can in fact help with breakouts.

It takes off the top layer of the skin, which will prevent clogged pores. Plus, this new skin is receptive to treatments, lotions & serums which will penetrate deeper with no dead skin cells to block it.  In the days following your treatment, your skin will increase the amount that it can absorb from topically applied products, making them far more effective

Myth #5 It’s no good for darker skin

JUST the opposite actually! For clients with darker skins it’s their favourite treatment as it removes the dark baby hair that can make deep skin look dull.

Although some forms of exfoliation are not recommended for darker skin, this method is very safe. It doesn’t irritate or cause micro-abrasions on the skin so it won’t cause hyperpigmentation.

Myth #6 I won’t be able to go out in public for a while…

Oh yes you will! It is one of the few procedures where there is no down time at all. The procedure may cause a little redness but disappears in no time at all! You can put make up on straight after if you need to, although we would recommend waiting until next day.

Myth #7 I can just do it myself at home

Not really a ‘myth’ but something we see on the internet sometimes.

The answer is ……..Absolutely not! Not only are the materials for use by qualified professionals only. Even if you did manage to acquire a blade online (and let’s face it, you can get almost anything online whether you’re supposed to have it or not!) without the necessary training of how to hold the blade, what angle it should be used at, and the safety precautions associated with the treatment – doing it yourself is a really bad idea.

Andrea is a highly trained and fully insured professional who is qualified to carry out Dermaplaning treatments.

You can find us on Facebook or Book Online just in time for the party season. Dermaplaning costs £59.00 and your appointment will last 1 hour and 10 minutes (or spend £69.00 for a luxury Dermaplaning appointment lasting 1 hour 25 minutes)